Cruise Travel: A Healthy Option [INFOGRAPHIC]

Flight delays, lost luggage, embarkation lines and more; cruise travelers can deal with. Fly early to provide a buffer of time.  Carry on essential belongings. Plan on arriving early (or late) at the port to avoid lines and all is well.  Not so well is what happens when we become ill while traveling.  We risk picking up some bug along the way that might have originated anywhere in the world.  While it is difficult to eliminate all possible danger, cruise travel provides some distinct advantages.

Whether illness caused by bacteria getting into your food or even a parasite found in contaminated water, this Real Holiday Reports’ infographic shows us the top things to avoid.

The bad news: There are ten main areas to watch out for, regardless of how we travel.
The good news:  Cruise travel eliminates the majority of them.

Many of the things we should be avoiding are common sense, but they’re not always easy to spot. When our focus is on enjoying travel, we might not be particularly vigilant. For example, employees not washing their hands and having poor hygiene while preparing food can lead to cross-contamination. Bacteria spreads. Meat and seafood that’s been left out too long can spoil and cause bacteria to multiply. That could happen anywhere, on land or at sea.  Still, we see cruise lines taking positive steps to eliminate these threats in the world of cruise travel, in a number of ways.

Specific Steps Being Taken To Protect Us During Cruise Travel
For example, during the first few days of any Holland America Line sailing, buffet line offerings are not self-service.  The cross-contamination potential from bacteria being passed from one passenger to another via the handles on serving utensils is totally eliminated.  Apparently not everyone is honest when answering the pre-boarding questionnaire asking if they have been ill recently.

  • Fruit, meat and produce loaded on to cruise ships come from approved suppliers and is inspected before being accepted.
  • On shore ice cubes in your drink might be made out of local tap water which is contaminated.  On the cruise ship? Ice cubes come from their self contained water system.

Cruise Travel Scores High Over Land Options
Some of the top destinations for travellers are surprisingly some of the most likely to cause you a nightmare in the gastric gambling stakes.  Chances of contracting something in Egypt is 35%, the Dominican Republic  38% and Turkey  17%, if visiting by land. Still, when going ashore in one of the higher risk areas, sticking to the tips, eating food that’s less likely to be contaminated and keeping on top of your hygiene will lower risk of contracting some rather unpleasant symptoms during your cruise travel.

cruise travel


Infographic:  Real Holiday Reports