Tips For A Smooth Sailing With Your Furry Friend

Sailing the open sea with your beloved pet is a dream come true for many pet owners. However, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable voyage requires careful planning and preparation. To help you make the most of your seafaring journey, we’ve compiled eight essential tips for sailing with your furry friend:

“For a safe, smooth sailing trip with your pet, extensive research, planning, and preparation are crucial,” says James Foot, Marketing Manager of “By following these tips and highlighting your pet’s safety and well-being, you can embark on a stress-free and enriching voyage together.”

1. Combat Seasickness: The rolling waves of the ocean can trigger seasickness in both humans and pets. To alleviate this discomfort, avoid overfeeding your pet before sailing and consult with your veterinarian about suitable medications to manage seasickness symptoms.

2. Sun Protection: While basking in the sun can be tempting, prolonged exposure can lead to fatigue and dehydration in pets. Provide ample shade onboard and ensure your pet has access to fresh water at all times to prevent sun-related health issues.

3. Create a Relaxation Spot: Designate a comfortable space onboard exclusively for your pet, equipped with their bedding and toys. Communicate to fellow passengers the importance of respecting your pet’s relaxation area to ensure a stress-free environment for your furry companion.

4. Practice sailing: Introduce your pet to the boat gradually by taking them on short sailing trips before embarking on longer voyages. Consider a few days on a boat to help your pet acclimate to the movement and limited space.

5. Keep Them Entertained: Prevent boredom onboard by engaging your pet in games and activities. However, always prioritise safety and ensure your pet remains secure to prevent accidents, especially on enclosed boats.

6. Pet Life Jacket: Equip your pet with a properly fitted life jacket to ensure their safety during water activities. Test the life jacket beforehand to ensure it provides adequate support and buoyancy for your pet’s weight.

7. Obtain Pet Passports: Research and acquire necessary documentation, such as pet passports and vaccinations, for international travel. Ensure compliance with destination countries’ regulations to avoid any complications or delays upon arrival.

8. Health Check: Schedule a pre-travel check-up with your veterinarian to assess your pet’s health and discuss any concerns related to the journey. Addressing any health issues beforehand will ensure a safe and comfortable voyage for your furry companion.