Carnival Corp Fast-Tracks Efficiency Targets

Carnival Corporation is accelerating its carbon-intensity-reduction goals, aiming to achieve a 40% reduction by 2026 instead of the previously set target of 2030. This ambitious goal is being driven by a combination of fleet modernization, efficiency upgrades, and the exploration of alternative fuels.

The company’s Service Power Package program is a key initiative, encompassing a range of updates to ship systems, from HVAC and lighting to engine improvements. These upgrades are being implemented across the fleet, targeting a significant reduction in energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Carnival is also actively investigating alternative fuels, including methanol and biofuels. Methanol engine conversions are being studied, and the company is conducting tests with biofuel blends on its ships. While these fuels hold promise for the future, their availability and cost remain challenges.

In addition to these efforts, Carnival is pursuing other efficiency measures, such as air lubrication systems that reduce friction and fuel use. The company is also planning a Service Power Package 2.0, aiming for further efficiency gains of 20 to 40%.

Overall, Carnival is committed to reducing its environmental impact and achieving its carbon-intensity-reduction goals. The company is employing a multi-pronged approach, encompassing fleet upgrades, alternative fuels, and ongoing efficiency improvements.